Welcome to my About Me landing page where you can find out all the latest about me and technology and what I have been up to. So what's up with me, you ask? Well, I'm a geek, proud of it and here you will get a geek's perspective of what I think is hot in geekdom.

Web Development and Page Design

I'm a professional Web developer and I make use of a broad range of web technologies on every project including HTML, CSS, Javascript, Java EE/Spring, Servlets, Apache Wicket, MySql, SOAP and Restful Web services.

One of my passions is Web page design using HTLM5 and CSS3 which makes columnar layout easier to achieve, especially since almost all the browsers are now adhering to these standards to some degree.

HTML5 brings a whole new set of symantic nouns for desdcribing layout and when used together with CSS3's support for tables and cells makes designing columnar layout almost simple. This Web page uses all the benefits that these 2 standards bring to the table (pun intended). In fact, you won't find one HTML table element on this page and yet I managed to achieve my desired columnar layout. Mads Kjaer has a great article on the subject and I highly recommend it for anyone who wants to begin using HTML5 and CSS3 in their projects.

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